This statement may be on the brink of incrimination, but the person responsible for this idea is GENIUS! Effective January 28th, 2008, the state of California officially approved the use of vending machines for medicinal marijuana distribution. That's right - those with a prescription will be able to retrieve the bud of their choice from an AVM (Anytime Vending Machine), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week under the supervision and/or protection of round-the-clock security guards. The first two dispensaries out of Los Angeles were activated today and are said to be fully operational. Damn, technology sure has come a long way! Anyway, here's how the process works: Customers must first bring in their prescription for approval. They will then be fingerprinted and photographed, to ensure their identity is matched at the AVM. After which, they will receive a pre-paid credit card equipped with their profile data. Upon selection, they can choose a dosage of either 3.5 or 7 grams, and one of five strains of their favorite Mary Jane, including OG Cush and Grandaddy Purple (LMAO!). Once complete, the marijuana is then dispensed in capsule form, in vacuum-sealed packages. Customers are limited to just one ounce per week, which I guess is more than enough for "medicinal purposes," lol. On another note, can you imagine one of these machines in the hood? What? Free weed??? All hell would break loose! But more importantly, does insurance cover this? Inquiring minds NEED to know...
Here's some footage compliments of CBS News & Daily Motion...