November 13, 2007
We Want Prenupt! Michael Jordan's Divorce Most Expensive Ever

Remember that Jennifer Lopez song "Love Don't Cost A Thing"? Well apparently it does. In Michael Jordan's case, about $150 million! That's around how much his wife, Juanita Jordan, is expected to get after all the paperwork is done on their divorce. The $150 million is said to be half of Michael Jordan's assets. If Juanita wins the settlement, the Jordan divorce will claim the number one spot on's list of "The 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces."

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember her ever taking one shot in any basketball game, nor can I recall her in any Nike commercials. Jordan signed his NBA contract before their marriage in 1989. So why is she entitled to half? Don't get me wrong, as his wife of seventeen years and mother of his three children she definitely deserves something. But half? One could argue that she helped Jordan to amass his fortune, but what kind of argument would that be? Would that be saying that the great Michael Jordan would have only been mediocre if he hadn't married Juanita? I don't think anyone in the world can believe that.

So with that said, I'll sign off this article with the word of the week:

pre-nup-tial a-gree-ment (n): an agreement made between a couple before marriage relating to the arrangement of financial matters and division of property in the event of their divorce. Also referred to as a "prenupt".

Pre-nupt, fellas. PRE-NUPT!!!


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